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Clubs & Activities

ASL Club

Image of the American Sign Language hand symbols for the letters A S L

Learn and practice American Sign Language after school on Tuesdays!

Contact: Carolynn Williams

Book Clubs

Image of a cartoon bee with a book

Both of our administrators lead an alternative version of a book club on Wednesdays.

Before school, 7:00 AM
Contact: Lee-Ann Hayen

"Beyond the Book"
After school, 3:30 PM
Contact: Katy Kollasch

Catch-Up Club

Image of a ketchup bottle with the words %22Catch Up Club%22 on the label

Spend some time after school on Mondays getting caught up on work, or receiving some extra academic help.

Contact: Susie Moses


Logo for DECA with hexagon framing

Join our Nationally recognized DECA team and compete in business career role plays. Meets on Thursdays after school.

Registration and competition fees apply.

Contact: Danielle McGuckin


Honeycomb themed hexagonal logo labeled VALE Esports Team Alpha

Esports meets after school to play Splatoon 3 (Tuesdays), Smash Bros (Wednesdays), and Mario Kart 8 (Thursdays).

Fee required for competitive team.

Contact: Cari Corley

Farmbox Club

Learn about our industry partner, Farmbox Foods, and run the growth and maintenance of our own Farmbox Foods container! Meets Mondays after school.

Contact: Carolynn Williams

GSA Club

VALE logo on a rainbow background with the GSA logo underneath

Join GSA to help create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all of our staff and students.

Contact: Lauren Kinney

Guitar Club

Image of guitar strings across a guitar pick shaped outline

Bring your guitar on Wednesdays to practice and share your musical skills during lunch.

Contact: Emily Hopkins

Improv Club

The symbolic two masks for dramatic arts

Join Rob Lecrone, of Denver's Rise Comedy, for an 8-week class on improv techniques. Meets on Wednesdays after school.

Participation fee required.

Contact: Sally Seiffer

Leadership Cohort

University of Denver's logo on a dark background with a hexagonal frame

Students from University of Denver's Leadership Program facilitate a fascinating course on the characteristics of strong leadership for the future.

Meeting times TBD for 24-25.

Contact: Katy Kollasch

Olympic Weightlifting

Castle View High School's paw logo lifting a weight with the Olympic rings underneath

Youth athletes train at Castle View High School Monday through Friday from 4:00 - 5:00 PM.​

Participation fee required.

Contact: Steve Bradley

Running Club

Running shoes in front of the mountainscape of the VALE logo

Put some pep in your step and walk, jog, or run a 1-mile route around VALE. Meets after school on Wednesdays.

Contact: Susie Moses

Student Challenge Network

Student Challenge Network across a dark background with a bee flying off the letters

SCN is a group of students that provide honest, critical feedback and challenge ideas at VALE in a positive and productive way. Meets every other week during Monday lunch.

Contact: Lee-Ann Hayen

Student Council

Bee Umbrella with the tagline %22Student Council - We've got culture covered%22

Want to plan fun or festive events and celebrations for your fellow students at VALE? Join Student Council and make a difference! Meets every other Monday after school.

Contact: Martin Arellano


Toastmasters International logo

Join Toastmasters to build confidence, master public speaking, and achieve your communication goals in a fun and supportive environment.

Meets on Mondays for a 6-week course, beginning in March 2025. More information to come soon.

Contact: Katy Kollasch

Crew (Videography Club)

Venture Academy Crew Videography, with a symbol of a video camera to the left

Michael Stephan, of Colorado Filmmakers, leads a group of students in learning about each role of a film crew, and how to tell a story. Meets after school on Wednesdays.

Participation fee required.

Contact: David DeBonis

Yearbook Club

Vector of the top half of a camera with the VALE logo in the lens

Want to help record the memories from the school year? Help us take pictures and organize the yearbook! After school on Tuesdays.

Contact: David DeBonis